However! Today I’m doing the best I can with the limited Internet access I have, and so, I’m doing a post on the song by Slipknot called Vermilion. Hello there, followers (and other (un)fortunate ones who stumbled upon this blog by accident)! Are there any readers still out there, or have you abandoned me completely, like I did for a while with this blog? I will try to be back for as long as I can, and I will try to post more, but I can’t guarantee anything while I’m working, and don’t have Internet access at home. Sometimes I wonder how I can think of this as beautiful, but I simply enjoy great musicians doing what they do best, and Slipknot do have something special, in my opinion. I also love the idea of Corey calling and the rest of the band answering in the refrain. Corey Taylor, yelling the angry lyrics as he is surrounded by a heavy atmosphere of sound. The double bass drums make the song even harder, not to speak of the rest of the percussionists’ artwork. The guitars are killing it, with hard hitting riffs. It’s one of Slipknot’s trademarks, if you ask me, and a reason why they are so popular. I just love how the sound image is so complex, and still works like a bitch.

I’ve chosen a song I’ve discovered not so long ago, despite it being around for a pretty long time: The Heretic Anthem, off the album Iowa (2001). On that note, I think now’s the time to revive them on my blog (I have done playlists with them since 2013, but not song reviews). It’s actually been closer to three years since I did a Slipknot-post, and of the bands I have listened to over the years, this is one of those that has stuck by me since I discovered them. Hi everyone! First, I’d like to say that I have gone through all the posts on this blog and replaced the links and videos that don’t exist any more with working ones, so that you can easily listen to the music I write about without going through the trouble of finding them yourselves.